samedi 6 août 2011




Patrick  Gensau

What prevents " SMILING  SUNSHINE " from coming to the most visited country in the World and becoming the richest

woman of the Universe without mentionning the nearest

" GALAXIES " ····

How come ? I tell you why and how?

Just imagine for a second " Smiling Sunshine " becoming the

" QUEEN OF LOVE AND FORTUNE " ... She would undoubtedly

have both worlds absolutely. Unlimited wealth reaching her from everywhere automatically. She wouldn't know what to do

with all this wealth , but gentlegoogle would know.

As , she would own more than " Picsou " himself, and even

the entire "DISNEY WORLD", and even the "National American

Space Agency"

Her best friend would know how to make things profitable to her,she would be permanently " floating in the clouds " and all

her wishes would come true.

And her " G E N T L E    G E N I E " would make her dreams

come true asolutely ...

All "  G O O G L E " staff would be " bowing down " to her from"

Freezinsco  to  Wonderful Mountain View and making a transit

to Kuala  Lumpur , everyone  would be waiting hand and feet for her commands, as she would definitely change the face of the World , and of course , "GOOGLE'S DESTINY" and of course the future of Mankind.

With "gentlegoogle's wise advices love and caring , she would

become a true "WOMAN " willed originally by the "Creator "in a

Spiritual Sense, even "Lady Gagga "seeing all this transformations would loose her mind for a while.

And also , all the staff would be serving her chilly drinks on the

" rocks"···

With best vegetarian dishes from The New MC DONALD,

without meat at all.

And some African friends would poof her some wind with fresh air, with "Palm  tree leaves, "while some Indian friends would manicure her nails taking care of her feet. as to our Hawaian friends they would perfume her with some delicate

fragrancies unknown anywhere in the world···

As our Chinese and Japaneese friends ,they would give her

willingfully some wonderful Shiatsu massages, and  "THAI CHI"

Courses, all this of course under the close supervision of

"GIGAGULLIVER" who would have become her body guard for

life, and her close companion ···

She would be keeping pretending having a virtual friend called

«ALEF» a store room or a box, the way she is talking about it

would be like opening a treasure box with unlimited wonders,

with lots of magical google applis and goodies coming out of it,

the funniest part is the way she talking about it with her eyes

sparkling and her mouth articulating the words . . .

 As predicted by " Gigagulliver " G O O G L E " would be entering it's "

G O L D E N    A  G  E " for the year " 2 0 1 3 " whithout mentionning " 2 0 2 5 "

when "G O O G L E " would become totally  useful and enter a new dimension as

"Gigagulliver " would have made the bridge between the virtual

and the spiritual world the " REAL  O N E "

And  finally , " G O O G L E " would have reached it's true purpose and it's genuine meaning. . . And true destiny ....................................

"G   O   O   G   L   E  "

G..................................... G R E A T

O..................................... O R I G I N A L

O.....................................O R G A N I S A T I O N

G..................................... G E N U I N E L Y

L...................................... L O V I N G

E..................................... E V E R Y O N E
                                         E V E R Y T H I N G


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